It was only a couple of days ago that Toshiba announced the Excite X10, the world’s thinnest tablet. Huawei have now announced the Ascend, the worlds thinnest phone! The device is an impressive 6.68mm thick, and packs a 4.3″ Super AMOLED qHD display with a resolution of 960 x 540. The device will run on a 1.5GHZ dua
l core Cortex A9 processor, and will ship with Android’s latest Ice Cream Sandwich operating system. The device comes with a 1.3MP front facing camera and an 8MP camera on the back of the device, which is capable of recording video in 1080p Full HD. Do you think that people will buy high end Huawei devices over other leading brands?
l core Cortex A9 processor, and will ship with Android’s latest Ice Cream Sandwich operating system. The device comes with a 1.3MP front facing camera and an 8MP camera on the back of the device, which is capable of recording video in 1080p Full HD. Do you think that people will buy high end Huawei devices over other leading brands?