SperiA™a75Looks Likes xperia all widgets added Except Timescape UIFeatures :
- PreRooted
- Based on Stock ROM
- Shell scripts support added
- de-odexed all the apks
- Stock launcher removed Replaced it with SonyS Launcher
- Battery icon changed
- over scroll Glow added
- Forced Launcher into RAM memory
- Zipaligned all apks for better RAM utilization
- New boot animation and new boot Sounds(as per my taste)
- support all regional languages : Assamese, Bengali, Hindi, Oriya, Malayalam, Tamil, Telugu, Gujarati, Marathi, Hindi
- Added Google PlayStore Default instead of market
- Bloatwares are removed
- wifi scans is set to 300 sec
- Custom Framework(help of UOT)
Credits :aayushduttavarun.chitre15 For Modded Recovery.img For Mmx A75XDA Forums, DSIXDA,UOT etc.. i didn't remember Some names..
EDiT:Link changed To [turbobit]Due To my server Problem Link changedDownload :SperiA™a75@v1.zip(turbobit)SperiA™a75 (4shared)To install it-Need CWM recovery Recovery.imgFlash the Recovery.img with sp flash tool check older post how to Flash it.-Download the zip from above link-Dump it to SD card-Reboot to recovery-Factory reset-Wipe Dalvik Cache-Install zip from SD card-Fix permissions-RebootForget To add Links2sd appDownload link2sd Flashable fileUpdate FontS DownloadFont.zip Go to Recovery Mode and flash The zip File Contains Roboto Fonts..